How will Currencies Direct contact me?

Written by Currencies
Updated 1 year ago

SMS message
App notifications


We believe there’s no better way to serve our clients than with one-to-one support by phone.


We may email you:

  • with important information about your account
  • with currency rate information (if you’ve set a rate alert email, for example)
  • to help you track progress when you send or receive money
  • with currency market news and insights (if you’ve asked for them)

SMS message

We may text you:

  • with security codes – when you log in, for example
  • with currency rate information (if you’ve set a rate alert SMS, for example)

App notifications

We may send you app notifications:

  • with important information about your account
  • with currency rate information (if you’ve set a rate alert)
  • to help you track progress when you send or receive money
  • to confirm purchases made with your Currencies Direct debit card


Stay safe from fraud
Remember, we will never ask you to share your passwords, card information, access codes or PINs.
And we will never ask you to transfer money anywhere.

See: Security and fraud 
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